Denver Eviction Process – 3 Tips to Get it Done Quickly and Legally

When a tenant first falls behind on their rental payment it can be a tough time.  Especially if a tenant has normally been on time, it can stir concern about what is going on.  Were they in an accident?  Did they have a family emergency?  Most landlords give their tenants the benefit of the doubt.  A day or two late isn’t the end of the world until…it stretches much longer.

As your calls continue to get unanswered then you likely know it is an issue.  Let’s face-it, no one wants to be late on a payment.  No one really makes it a goal to miss a car payment or rental payment.  The reality is that “it happens” but just because something is happening to your tenant doesn’t mean it has to drain money from your bank account.

To get your rental property in Denver back on track and get a tenant in your home or apartment that can pay, we invite you to consider the following methods to ensure your Denver eviction is done correctly and in a timely manner.

  1. Notice – When a tenant is late, to start the process of eviction you must provide Notice.  When you provide your Notice to Quit you are terminating the tenancy.  It’s easy to define your grounds for termination as in a nutshell; they aren’t paying!  Filing this clearly and visibly for your Denver tenant is essential to ensure that you keep the process moving in a timely manner.
  2. Deadlines – If there is one thing that is certain with the legal system is there are many deadlines you must meet.  When you hear the horror stories of people staying in a property for months without paying it is because the proper deadlines and paperwork have not been followed correctly.  In Denver, and throughout the country, the courts have made the timelines very clear on what both a landlord and a tenant must abide by.  When a tenant is paying you; you most certainly want your property back as quickly as possible to avoid losing your rental income.
  3. The Sheriff Can Help – The time may come when you have to get the tenant out of your property and they aren’t always happy about it.  Instead of getting into a confrontation, or get you into problems, follow the process that is provided.  In Denver, you can get the Sheriff department to vacate a tenant.  Let them deal with this and avoid any hassle!

Getting your Denver eviction done in a timely manner can be achieved when you provide proper notice, hit the key deadlines, and let the Sheriff help you.

When you want help with your Denver eviction, simply call me today at (303) 523-3568 and I will share with you how you can get started with your eviction in minutes.

Colorado Eviction Laws Don’t Have to Be Confusing

Have you ever looked at the rental and eviction laws in Colorado?

An eviction in Colorado can seem overwhelming when you first start to research the process.  After all you are under pressure already.  When a tenant falls behind on their payments that are owed to you, you are stuck paying the mortgage!  The tenant may share a sob story of job loss or medical expenses but those “stories” won’t help you pay the mortgage on your rental property.

As you start to examine your options of Eviction in Colorado, we invite you to consider a few key steps to protect yourself and protect the rights of the tenant.

  1. Notice must be provided
  2. Follow the deadline as instructed by the law
  3. Follow all the rules and don’t make “exceptions” because of a tenant story
  4. Let each party do their job (Sheriff, Judge, etc)

Don’t get tenant stories slow your eviction process.  While there are many good intentioned tenants there are also many people who will take advantage of your generosity and attempt to delay the eviction process.

The court system of Colorado makes the forms available to help you start the process.  Don’t forget to check the Court website to get the latest form revisions as using old forms could slow your eviction down.  Every day later that a bad tenant is in your property is more money that you aren’t receiving.

Note: We are not a lawyer service and any legal question should be directed to an attorney who specializes in evictions.  All information provided here is designed to help you discover more about eviction and save you time should that service be required.

Being Nice Can Hurt…

No one likes to be mean. Letting someone send their rent check a couple days nice is kind. Letting someone be 63 days late can be dangerous.

In a tough economy it can be tempting to let someone slide on their rent. First one day and then before you know it the rent is 16 days late.

More than one land lord has accidentally extended credit to a tenant by letting them be late on their rent.

Getting your rent on time doesn’t mean that you are a bad landlord or mean it just means you desire to be treated fairly.

Before you decide to extend rent the first thing I would recommend is to download the FREE report I have prepared.