The Eviction Services Agreement

Phone: (303) 523-3568
Fax: (303) 400-4994

Mailing Address: 5597 South Mobile St,  Centennial, CO 80015

Download the Eviction Services Agreement (.pdf)

Eviction Services Agreement (Service Agreement (.pdf))

  1. Obtain and Post the 10 Day Demand for Compliance Notice or Notice to Quit for the Subject property and forward a copy with the certificate of service to the Landlord. ($75)
  1. Obtain and File FED Action Documents: County Court Summons, Complaint and Answer. Obtain Court Issued Documents, Serve (2 Personal Attempts) and/or Post Tenant(s) Copies. Deliver Landlord(s) Copies and Original Notarized Return of Service(s) to Landlord. ($325)
  1. Landlord or Attorney Must Appear For Hearing on Scheduled Court Date. If Tenant(s) Files An Answer the Court Will Schedule case for a Trial Date.
    Legal Representation Is Not Included With Eviction Services. Note Bottom of Page ______ (Initial)
  1. After Judgment, Obtain Court Order Writ of Restitution from County Court. Deliver Order and Request Scheduled Eviction with County Sheriff’s Department. Notify Landlord of Scheduled Eviction Date & Time When Received from Assigned Sheriff. ($300)
    24 Hour Notice Required to Cancel Writ Execution with Sheriff and Obtain a Partial Refund.
  1. County Court Filing Fees, Process Service Fees and Sheriff Intervention Fees are Included.
    Mileage fees will apply based on the location of the subject property and county court filing. 

We Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Eviction Services Agreement.

________________________    ________________     ______________________________   ________________
Perry Friedentag                         Date                            Landlord(s)                              Date
Name of Landlord(s) Address & Phone

Name of Tenant(s) Property Address

Monthly Rent, Amount Owed and Other Lease Violations

Physical Eviction Agreement

Labor will be provided at a rate of $50 per hour per laborer with a 2-hour minimum. Number of laborers will be based on property size, location, amount of personal property to be removed and allowable time determined by Sheriff prior to the eviction. Services only include placing all tenants’ personal property at a location authorized by Sheriff.  Additional fees will apply for billiard tables and automobiles. Full payment is due upon completion of the physical eviction.

Cancellation of physical eviction services must be received in writing 24 hours prior to scheduled move out date and time or ½ of the minimum hourly charges shall apply.

We Agree to the Above Terms and Conditions of the Physical Eviction Agreement.

________________________    ________________     ______________________________   ________________
Perry Friedentag                         Date                            Landlord(s)                              Date

By signing this document Landlord acknowledges they have been advised that this document has important legal consequences and has been advised to consult with legal counsel before signing this agreement.
Revised September 1, 2019

When you contact us for your Colorado Eviction, we want you to know that we are different.  We have a powerful 5 Point Promise for all of our clients.

  1. 100% guarantee you will legally get your property back
  2. 10-Day Notice posted within 24 hours guaranteed.
  3. 95% “Personal Service” success rate of FED.
  4. WRIT of Restitution delivered to Sheriff same day issued from court guarantee.
  5. Handle all communication with tenant from time of executed service agreement. NO More Stories Guaranteed!